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AdventuresInHomebrewing.Beer » July 24, 2018

Daily Archives: July 24, 2018


Brewing: Neapolitan Dynamite – A Milkshake IPA

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Time to brew a new milkshake IPA, Neapolitan style!  I devised a recipe to hopefully showcase all the flavors of a Neapolitan blend of flavors for my recipe, NEAPOLITAN DYNAMITE.  What I got was an unexpected result.  I loved brewing this and designing the recipe.  I am already formulating my changes for the next revision.

Brew Night For A Milkshake IPA

So brew day came along, Continue reading

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    Untappd Derby (2021)
    Badge image for Untappd Derby (2021)
    Cue the bugle...On your mark… get set… go! The inaugural Untappd Derby is here. May the best style win! Follow the winner’s progress. View more


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