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Brewing Homebrewing

Brew Day – Making Dad Show Brewing Challenge


Back in the Fall, I was on the Making Dad With Chip and Zach.  After they tasted my Too Hot Mama, Zach quickly fired out a challenge for my next beer, a cookies and cream beer.  Challenge accepted.  For my first attempt at this challenge, I chose to whip up a “quick” 3 gallon batch.  I did this while NOT watching the State of the Union Address, but rather made my own State of the BREWnion address.  While steeping the grains, I watched a little Moonshiners on DVR and drank some tasty suds.


adventuresinhomebrewing.beerThe brew started with some biscuit malt and pale chocolate malt.  Crush the grains and steep them for an hour was my decision on them.  By the time the steeping was done, there was a nice creamy head on the wort in the brew kettle.  I added in 1 pound of dark dried malt extract and a total of 3.74 pounds of dark hopped liquid malt extract.  Got a nice rolling boil!

I threw it all into the carboy and tossed a good amount of dried yeast.  For some reason I chose to put the carboy into a bucket.  I am glad I did as I had a bit bubble out of the airlock.  I plan to add some cacao and bourbon soaked vanilla beans to finish the beer off in the primary.






IMG_20160113_184415817 adventuresinhomebrewing.beer

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