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Brewing Homebrew Talk

Brew Day Update – PSA BAG YOUR HOPS

We interupt this primary fermentation for the following Public Service Announcement….  BAG YOUR HOPS!

Well, I am at about 36 hours since pitching my yeast starter into my maple rye imperial stout.  I have had issues.  At 6 hours post pitching, I removed the airlock parts and attached a blow-off tube to a growler.  at 18 hours, my wife texted me and told me the growler had been put into a pot since it was bubbling over.  At 19 hours, she noted that some beer was dripping out of the top of the fermenter – it popped the screw top off the big mouth bubbler enough to let some through.  Not a ton of cleanup, but enough.

At 30 hours, I noticed the bubbling had stopped in the growler.  I found out that all those loose hops have been pushed above the krausen level and made basically a big, wet, sticky stopper between the CO2 and the blow-off tube….hence stopping lots of escaping gas from that outlet.  Poke a hole in said layer and the bubbling resumed.

Takeaways from this?  DON’T BE LAZY and not CONTAIN YOUR HOPS.  Use a muslin bag, a reusable bag, or a hop spider.  Don’t just put a few ounces of whole hops in….it may make for more work for you in the long run.

We now return to our regularly scheduled fermentation.

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  1. Pingback: Brewing With Wet Hops - SMaSHing Nuggets 2 And More - AdventuresInHomebrewing.Beer

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