Well, the school year is done. This teacher, brewer, father gets to get caught up. Two weeks ago, I threw together a new beer. I didn’t realize that time had gotten that far away from me. Carpe Citravesa was born. Let’s look a bit at the beer and the name!
I decided to make a quick brew since the wife was out of the house for some errands. I had dug through the freezer and found some hops from a local buddy. I had three cans of the Mr. Beer Mexican Cervesa that were coming up on their expiration date. So I HAD to brew it.
I began with one can in, and tossed in some Columbus hops. Made a nice whirlpool. Then after a little while, added in another can of malt extract. Then a final can, followed by some Centennial hops. Chill it down, and add some dry yeast. Voila! 7 days later, add an ounce of Citra as a dry hop. I will be bottling it this weekend.
The name of this beer came about from a band I was in years ago. We called ourselves Carpe Cervesa. There were six of us. The seventh member of the band was beer. Although we never did go far, we had a lot of fun. We had free gigs with shot girls (never did get any shots as I was playing), played a rooftop gig after Peter Frampton played a festival site below us, countless pig roasts and more. This is a great way to pay homage to my musical roots. Cheers to Lloyd, Mike, Andy, Geoff and Roger. Thanks for helping me get music going, and drink beer. I wouldn’t be here today w
ithout you guys.