I was fortunate enough to score a Carbonation Keg Lid from the Weekend Brewer. I decided that using it on a small 2.5 gallon keg was a good choice. This is one of those tools that should be in every homebrewer’s inventory. I got this to work alongside of my new kegerator setup. To test it out, I used it on a small batch of SMaSHing Nuggets 2. I figured I would be able to truly compare my bottled beer to the kegged beer.
The package for the carbonation keg lid came with the need to put together a few pieces. This is not a problem, as it is good practice to sanitize all parts for homebrewing. There were no directions on what to do for putting it together, but if you brew, you can figure this out. What sets this lid aside from a regular keg lid is the post in the center of it, that drops down to a tube attached to a carbonation stone.
After assembly and sanitation, I attached it to my small keg. After closing up the clasp, I it the gas in post of the keg with some quick CO2, and sprayed down the lid area with sanitizer to check for any leaks, no bubbles. No problems there. I then attached the gas line to the post on the carbonation lid.
After some Internet searches, I found I should start the CO2 level low, then bring it up. That was my one beef with the lid, there was not an FAQ with some helpful hints included.
You could hear the CO2 diffusing through the carbonation stone. After about 24 hours, with several increases in pressure to the correct levels, I left it alone for another 24 hours at a regular serving pressure. At the 48 hour mark, I pulled the relief valve, and removed the lid. I replaced it with my regular lid. There was some nice foaming of my beer, and I think it is ready to rock and roll! Two thumbs up from this brewer!
This lid in the long run definitely will get your beer ready quicker than other methods. The lid is very well constructed, and easy enough to take apart to sanitize. For a small investment, the Carbonation Keg Lid from the Weekend Brewer is a great addition to your brewing hardware arsenal.