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Ask The Brewmaster Homebrew Talk

Dehydrating Kveik Yeast – My Experimental Results

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Dehydrating kveik yeast in a food dehydrator. A “new” concept applied to an “old yeast”.  I have come up with a “new” way to make dried kveik yeast. That is probably one of the coolest properties of kveik yeast.  So let’s look at how I got here, and what I am doing. I am not an expert, just a guy who is dabbling in the world of kveik.

My Background With Kveik

So I fell into the rabbit hole of kveik yeast.  I found myself constantly searching for any information that I could find. It was really great to run into the information from Lars on the Larsblog, who is like the godfather of kveik in the brewing culture around the world. He may not have been the one that found it, but he documented in research, and gave me and others so many things to learn about.

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